Sté Générale / Avisia - September 2016

LBO – Duteil Avocats (Guillaume Jarry, Laetitia de Dinechin) acted as legal counsel to Société Générale Capital Partenaires (SGCP) in relation with a primary Owner Buy-Out (OBO) transaction carried out within the group Avisia.

Created in 2007 and based in Paris, Avisia has become in under 10 years a key reference in the advice, integration and realization of data projects for major French companies.

Avisia’s reputation relies in particular on the expertise it has developed in relation with solutions for SAS Institute, the world n°1 data analysis software company, with whom the Group has established a strong partnership, with “Gold Partner” status.

Founder Xavier Gamarre has opened the capital of his Group to SGCP as part of an OBO transaction. The shareholders-managers were able to increase their shareholding thanks to this first fundraising which will support the strong organic growth of the Group, who is always open to external growth opportunities.


September 2016